ORDIVECT (PTY) LTD 2021/148226/07

R955.00 “2021” Shelf Company only, no changes.

Please note that the following changes are compulsory:

  • Change of Directors (R230)
  • Change of registered address (R230)
  • Income Tax registration, Tax Clearance Pins (R1,150)

If you do require the above services from us, please add amount to price.


R955.00 “2021” Shelf Company only, no changes.

Please note that the following changes are compulsory:

  • Change of Directors (R230)
  • Change of registered address (R230)
  • Income Tax registration, Tax Clearance Pins (R1,150)

If you do require the above services from us, please add amount to price.

Out of stock

shelf company purchase satisfaction guaranteed