TATOLUX (PTY) LTD 2019/247992/07
R1,500 “2019” Dormant Shelf Company only, no changes.
Please note that the following changes are compulsory:
- Change of Directors (R230)
- Change of registered address (R230)
- Income Tax registration, Tax Clearance Pins (R1,150)
If you do require the above services from us, please add amount to price.
Categories: Aged Companies Sandton, Sandton Branch
R1,500 “2019” Dormant Shelf Company only, no changes.
Please note that the following changes are compulsory:
- Change of Directors (R230)
- Change of registered address (R230)
- Income Tax registration, Tax Clearance Pins (R1,150)
If you do require the above services from us, please add amount to price.
Out of stock