Shelf Tender Company

Showing all 5 results

  • Aged -2023 - R3 650.00 - Shelf company including change of directors, shares & address, change of name – R645.00 & BO/Securities register (confirmation of shareholders with CIPC) not included – R495.00.  It has INCOME TAX & TAX CLEARANCE PIN; if you need us to courier the final documents,...
  • Aged -2023 - R3 650.00 - Shelf company including change of directors, shares & address, change of name – R645.00 & BO/Securities register (confirmation of shareholders with CIPC) not included – R495.00.  It has INCOME TAX & TAX CLEARANCE PIN; if you need us to courier the final documents,...
  • Aged -2023 - R3 650.00 - Shelf company including change of directors, shares & address, change of name – R645.00 & BO/Securities register (confirmation of shareholders with CIPC) not included – R495.00.  It has INCOME TAX & TAX CLEARANCE PIN; if you need us to courier the final documents,...
  • Aged -2023 - R3 650.00 - Shelf company including change of directors, shares & address, change of name – R645.00 & BO/Securities register (confirmation of shareholders with CIPC) not included – R495.00.  It has INCOME TAX & TAX CLEARANCE PIN; if you need us to courier the final documents,...
  • Aged -2023 - R3 650.00 - Shelf company including change of directors, shares & address, change of name – R645.00 & BO/Securities register (confirmation of shareholders with CIPC) not included – R495.00.  It has INCOME TAX & TAX CLEARANCE PIN; if you need us to courier the final documents,...